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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Stag Knight - an update:

Further to all the ones I noticed below: There are two more! George Martin must love lego.


By now I'm reaching, but:

or maybe even better for the Bulwers:


Game of Thrones

Someone already noticed this, obv:

House Baratheon
House Stark

House Lannister
House Targaryen

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Beck - Guero

De La Soul - The Impossible Mission: Operation Japan

David Gilmour - On An Island

Wu-Tang Clan - Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)

Elvis Costello - My Aim Is True

Paul McCartney - Driving Rain


Hugely disappointing towards the end but I can't deny that I was intrigued.

The Cabin In The Woods

This rubik's cube poster is actually a bit of a spoiler now that I think about it..
Absolutely bananas.

Josh from the West Wing is in it. Couldn't take my eyes off his hairline!

Män som hatar kvinnor - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Men Who Hate Women - Spinelessly translated as The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

I can't understand the international wildfire popularity of these books, the films and the remakes - but at least it gets people talking about violence against women instead of keeping it hidden away.


If this was set in York it might be called Girl With Dragon Tattoo

Ghost Dog

Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation

The Cold Light Of Day

That was a shiter.